Series Info
The series is the story of a young scientist named Eiichi Kite aka Kiteretsu, born to the great inventor D. Kiteretsu, who built a friend robot called Korosuke. He is always on time with his friends and Korosuke on the timeline he has built, he has friends like Miyoko Nonohana, his favorite local girl, Buta Gorira (Kumada Kaoru), a local bully and his friend, Tongari, both of whom often argue with Korosuke (even though they are in elementary school). The main character is a brilliant scientific boy named Kiteretsu, who created a friendly robot named Korosuke. He is always on time with his friends and Korosuke on the time machine he has built. Miyoko is a girl in her hometown who is his girlfriend. Tongari is his rival, who may have shared similar features of Honekawa Suneo. But Gorilla (Kumada Kaoru) is a common local bully, who also has the same characteristics as Gian (Takeshi Goda) except that he often opposes Korosuke (even though they are in elementary school).
Name: Kiteretsu Daihyakka [Kiteretsu Encyclopedia]
Release Year: 1988
TV Channel [India] :Disney Channel
Quality : 1080p HD
Language: Hindi
Size: 526 MB
Synopsis:The fundamental character is a logical virtuoso kid named Kiteretsu, who has constructed a buddy robot named Korosuke. He regularly goes in time with his companions and Korosuke in the time machine he fabricated. Miyoko is a young lady in his local who is essentially his better half. Tongari is his opponent, who happen to share some comparable attributes of Honekawa Suneo. Buta Gorilla (Kumada Kaoru) is an ordinary neighborhood menace, who additionally share comparative attributes of Gian (Takeshi Goda) then again, actually he regularly offends Korosuke (however they are in grade school).
सार: मौलिक चरित्र एक तार्किक गुणी बच्चा है जिसका नाम कृत्सु है, जिसने कोरोसुके नामक एक मित्र रोबोट का निर्माण किया है। वह नियमित रूप से अपने साथी और कोरोसुके के साथ उस समय मशीन में जाता है जिसे उसने बनाया था। मियाको अपने स्थानीय में एक युवा महिला है जो अनिवार्य रूप से उसका बेहतर आधा है। तोंगारी उनके प्रतिद्वंद्वी हैं, जो होनकावा सूनो की कुछ तुलनीय विशेषताओं को साझा करते हैं। बूटा गोरिल्ला (कुमादा कोरू) एक सामान्य पड़ोस की महिला है, जो इसके बाद फिर से जियान (ताकेशी गोड़ा) की तुलनात्मक विशेषताओं को साझा करती है, वास्तव में वह कोरोसुके को नियमित रूप से बंद कर देती है (हालांकि वे ग्रेड स्कूल में हैं)।
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